
儿童自身免疫性肝炎诊断及治疗 被引量:1

The diagnosis and treatment in children with autoimmune hepatitis
摘要 自身免疫性肝炎 ( autoimmune hepatitis, AIH)是一种呈进行性进展、以汇管区周围炎症为主的自身免疫性肝脏疾病。AIH发病率低,尤其对于儿童患者,缺乏特异的症状和体征,在临床上容易误诊或漏诊。目前用于诊断AIH的评分系统主要有国际自身免疫性肝炎小组的IAIHG评分系统,简化评分系统亦可用于诊断儿童AIH。目前AIH在治疗上也取得一定的进展,但主要是对成年人AIH的治疗。糖皮质激素及多种免疫抑制剂可用于治疗儿童AIH,但仍需根据AIH患儿病情选择合适的治疗方案。 Autoimmune hepatitis(AIH) is a kind of autoimmune liver disease which shows a progres- sive progress, portal area inflammatory. AIH has low incidence, especially for pediatric patients who lack of spe- cific symptoms and signs and easily misdiagnosed or missed diagnosis. The international AIH group IAIHG sco- ring system is usually used for diagnosis. Simplify scoring system can also be used to diagnose children with AIH. So far, treatment of AIH has also made some progress, but mainly in adult patients. Corticosteroids and a variety of immunosuppressant can be used for the treatment of children with AIH, but it still need to select the appropriate treatment program according to the condition of pediatric patients with AIH.
出处 《国际儿科学杂志》 2012年第5期491-493,共3页 International Journal of Pediatrics
关键词 儿童 自身免疫性肝炎 自身抗体 Child Autoimmune hepatitis Autoantibody
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