

Adsorption of faecal sterols by crude humin and influence factors
摘要 采用批量震荡法模拟粪固醇在粗胡敏素-水两相中的迁移,研究了粪固醇在粗胡敏素上的吸附行为,同时考察了温度、盐度、pH对吸附行为的影响。结果表明:温度升高不利于吸附进行,温度升高可增加粪固醇的溶解度,粗胡敏素中亲水性基团向水中释放都不利于吸附的进行。盐度升高有利于吸附,而pH的改变对吸附影响不大,当pH在10.0左右,粪固醇吸附量最低。正交实验显示,温度、盐度、pH对吸附都有影响,影响顺序依次为:温度>pH>盐度。温度、盐度、pH的改变对粪醇/(粪醇+二氢胆固醇)[5β/(5β+5α)-C27]、粪醇/24-乙基粪醇(Coprostanol/24-ethylcoprostanol)、粪醇/胆固醇(coprostanol/cholesterol)、24-乙基粪醇/谷甾醇(24-ethyl coprostanol/sitosterol)、24-乙基粪醇/(24-乙基粪醇+加氢谷甾醇)[5β/(5β+5α)-C29]5个比值指标影响较小,其比值指标可以作为粪便污染的指示物。 By volume oscillation, migration of fecal steroid between crude humin and water were imitated, the adsorption of fecal ster- oid in crude humin was studied, and the influence to adsorption of fecal steroid in crude humin with temperature, salinity and pH were observed. It was shown that the increase of temperature has the negatively affected the proceeding of adsorption and increased solubili- ty of fecal sterols releasing the hydrophilic groups in crude humin into water. And that the values of pH have a little effect to the ad- sorption in the range of acid and base and at the point of 10.0 the adsorption percentage has minimum. And the increase of salt values was beneficial to the adsorption of fecal steroid. It was showed in the orthogonal experiments that the sequence of environmental factor influence to adsorption was as follows : temperature 〉 pH 〉 salt. And also showed that all of the temperature, salinity and pH have a little influence on the ratio values of 5β/(5β + 5α)-C27, CoprostanoL/24-ethylcoprostanol,coprostanol/cholesterol,24-ethyl coprosta- nol/sitosterol and 5β/(5β + 5α) -C29. And all of them could be used as the indicators of origin of feces.
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期692-696,共5页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40876056) 海洋公益性行业科研专项经费项目(201105013 201005034-2)
关键词 粪固醇 粗胡敏素 吸附 影响 因素 faecal sterols crude humin adsorption influence factor
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