
G-四链体的结构及其与小分子配体成复合物的结构研究进展 被引量:1

Progress on structures and binding structures with small molecules of G-quadruplex
摘要 通过与DNA的结合而从生物学源头阻止疾病的发生成为近年研究的热点,DNA G-四链体结构的发现以及分子生物学相关技术对其与癌症关系的揭示,为抗肿瘤药物的设计提供了一个良好的突破口。本文综述了近三年来G-四链体的结构及其与小分子配体成复合物的结构研究进展,有助于理解G-四链体与小分子配体的作用模式,以期为合理设计抗肿瘤药物有所帮助。 There was a research focus for the prevention of diseases by way of binding to DNA using small molecules. The discovery of structures of G-quadruplex and its function related to cancer through modern molecular biology techniques provided a big chance for the design of anti-cancer drug. This article aimed to present recent advances for the structures of G-quadruplex and these small binding molecules, which would contribute to understand these binding modes and thus provide a steady support in the rational design of anti-cancer drug.
出处 《药学实践杂志》 CAS 2012年第4期241-247,共7页 Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金资助课题(30672533) 军队十一五科技课题(06H013)
关键词 G-四链体 小分子配体 复合物结构 G-quadruplex small molecule binding structure
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