Safety assessment is one of the most important contents in the study of high building fire preventing. The approaches and the methods of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method being applied in the high building fire pre- venting safety assessment were introduced in this paper. The application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in the safety assessment of high building fire preventing began from analyzing the questions qualitatively and un- coiled the total evaluation value quantitatively by studying the effects and their correlation among the elements, structuring the high building fire preventing safety, such as the ability of fire preventing, putting out a fire, evacua- tion and the level of safety management. The application conquered the disadvantages of subjectivity and large error in confirming the high building fire preventing elements and reduced the casualness of the evaluation result. Safety assessment to the level of the high building fire preventing safety management was conducted according to the judg- ment matrix in the fuzzy mathematics, listed by examples. Practice showed that fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, applied in the high building fire preventing safety assessment, is practical and effectual.
Journal of Safety Science and Technology
high building
fire preventing safety assessment
fuzzy synthesize evaluation method
fuzzy mathemat- ics