This paper draws chiefly on the ideas and methods in Barwise & Cooper, Keenan and Peters & Westersthl, and van Eijck, among many others. It attempts not only to expand on but also to make novel proposals. Some new facts and corollaries proved in this paper. They bring to light the following relationships: (1) The reducibility of different syllogisms essentially reflects transformability of different semantic properties (such as monotonicity and symmetry and so on) of generalized quantifiers. Therefore, the reducibility of Aristotelian syllogisms can be verified by the transformable relations between semantic properties of four Aristotelian quantifiers; (2) The reducible relations of different extended syllogistic schemes can be verified by semantic properties of gener- alized quantifiers. We provide many instances of valid extended syllogisms in this paper. Since generalized quantiflers are ubiquitous in natural languages, the present study will make contributions to the development of generalized quantifier theory as well as bring- ing about consequences to natural language information processing.
Studies in Logic