选择具有较低最低不结冰温度 (possiblelowestunfrozentemperature,θPLU)的结冰基体对于提高过冷水动态制冰系统的制冰率和能量效率以及防止热泵蒸发器结霜具有重要意义。本文从异质形核理论和估算两相间界面能的Good -Girifalco极性理论出发 ,研究了具有较低θPLU的结冰基体的性质 ,提出了选择方法。选择了几种具有较低θPLU的结冰基体 ,测量了其θPLU值。所选择结冰基体的θPLU值比通常使用的不锈钢表面低
For improving performances of dynamic ice-making system by supercooling water and for preventing frosting on the evaporator of heat pump, it is rather significant to choose substrates with lower θ PLU (possible lowest unfrozen temperature). Characleristics of the substrates with lower θ PLU were studied starting from heterogeneous nucleation theory and Fowkes theory on estimating interfacial energy. Principles to choose the substrates were put forward. Several substrates were chosen. As measured, θ PLU s of substrates were lower at least 3℃ than stainless steel.
Icing substrates, lower possible lowest unfrozen temperature, dynamic ice making by supercooling water, preventing frosting