
护航舰艇人员发病调查、干预及医疗服务需求研究 被引量:10

Research on the incidence of diseases,intervention and demands on medical care among the navy escort ship crew
摘要 目的探讨海军护航舰艇人员长航后发病情况、干预后疾病发病变化及医疗服务需求,为卫生决策部门合理分配卫生资源提供依据。方法调查274名护航舰艇人员长航后发病情况、十预后的变化及慢性病发病情况。结果护航舰艇人员长航后主要患有皮肤病、呼吸系统疾病、骨关节和外伤病、口眼咽喉疾病、消化系统疾病,以上疾病占97.84%;十部和士官患病率显著高于义务兵。慢性病主要为消化系统疾病、骨关节和外伤病、口眼咽喉疾病、皮肤病、泌尿系统疾病,以上疾病占97.56%。干预后骨关节外伤病、呼吸系统疾病、口腔疾病降低最明显,其次是皮肤病和消化系统疾病。结论护航舰艇官兵发病率高,医疗需求主要集中在皮肤科、呼吸科、骨科、口腔科和消化科,建议在护航时合理分配医生比例,积极开展有针对性健康和医学知识教育,以降低疾病的发生率。 Objective To investigate the incidence of diseases among the ship crew of navy escort vessels following prolonged deployment at sea, changes in the onset of diseases after intervention and demands on medical care, so as to provide evidence for medical service decision-making institutions for rational allocation of medical resources. Methods Two hundred and seventy-four naval personnel from the escort vessels were investigated on the incidence of diseases, effects of intervention and incidence of chronic diseases. Results Main medical disorders among the ship crew after prolonged deployment at sea were dermatosis, respiratory diseases, skeletal and muscular system traumas, oral/laryngopharynx/ocular diseases, digestive system diseases, which accounted for 97.84% of all the disorders. Morbidity rate for officers above the rank of regimental cadres, below the rank of battalion cadres and petty officers was apparently higher than that of the enlisted. Chronic diseases were mainly disorders of the digestive system, the skeletal and muscular system, oral/laryngopharynx/ocular systems, and the urinary system, which account for 97.6%. Following intervention, incidence of osteoartieular injury, respiratory diseases and oral diseases decreased most significantly, then came in the descending order, dermatosis and digestive system diseases. Conclusion There was a high prevalence of diseases among the officers and enlisted onboard the navy escort vessels. Medical demands were mainly in dermatosis, the respiratory system, the skeletal and muscular system, and oral and digestive systems. It is recommended that attention should be paid to the rational composition of medical personnel, medical and health education should be carried out intensively among the ship crew, so as to decrease the prevalence of diseases.
出处 《海军医学杂志》 2012年第5期293-295,共3页 Journal of Navy Medicine
关键词 舰艇人员 护航 干预 医疗服务需求 Navy ship crew Escort Intervention Demands on medical care
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