
叶酸对2型糖尿病患者8-异前列腺素F2α和6-酮前列腺素F1α的影响 被引量:1

Effects of folate on changes of 8-isoprostane F2α and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α in patients with type 2 diabetesmellitus
摘要 目的观察叶酸对2型糖尿病患者血清8-异前列腺素F1α(8-IPF2α)和6-酮前列腺素F2α(6-K-PGF1α)的影响,探讨叶酸对2型糖尿病患者氧化应激的影响。方法98例口服降糖药治疗的2型糖尿病患者随机分为2组,完成试验88例,试验组42例,对照组46例。对照组继续给予降糖治疗;试验组在原降糖治疗的基础上,加用叶酸5mg口服,3次/d。治疗前和治疗3个月后测定2组患者血清同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、叶酸、8-IPF2α、6-K-PGF1α水平。结果治疗3个月后,试验组患者血清叶酸、6-K-PGF1α高于对照组[(13.3±2.6)pmol/L比(11.5±2.4)pmol/L,(84±14)ng/L比(70±12)ng/L,P〈0.05],血清Hey、8-IPF2。低于对照组[(9.2±2.3)μmol/L比(11.1±2.8)μmol/L、(21±3)ng/L比(35±7)ng/L,P〈0.05或P〈0.01]。结论叶酸对2型糖尿病患者有抗氧化应激的作用。 Objective To explore the effects of folate on changes of 8-isoprostane F2α(8-IPF2α), 6-keto- prostaglandin-F1α (6-K-PGF1α) and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods Ninety- eight patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on oral hypoglycemic drugs were randomly divided into two groups; 88 of 98 subjects completed the study. There were 46 participants (control group) who received a 3-month course of oral hypoglycemic drugs;the remaining 42 patients (experiment group ) received oral hypoglycemic drugs and folate 15 mg daily. Serum Hcy, folate, 8-IPF2α, 6-K-PGF1α were measured at baseline and after treatment. Results There was no significant difference in clinical data and serum Hcy, folate, 8-IPF2α, 6-K-PGF1α between two groups before treatment. Compared with the control group, experiment group with folate showed a significant increase in serum folate [ ( 13. 3 ± 2. 6) pmol/L vs ( 11.5 ± 2. 4) pmol/L, P 〈 0. 05 ] and 6-K-PGF1α [ ( 84 ± 14) ng/L vs (70 ± 12) ng/L, P 〈 0. 05 ] and decreased in serum Hcy [ ( 19. 2 ± 2. 3 ) μmol/L vs ( 11.1 ± 2. 8 )μmol/L, P 〈 0.05 ] and 8-IPF2α [ (21 ± 3 ) ng/L vs ( 35 ± 7 ) ng/L, P 〈 0. 01 ]. Conclusion The administration of folate reduces oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
出处 《中国医药》 2012年第10期1236-1238,共3页 China Medicine
关键词 糖尿病 2型 叶酸 8-异前列腺素F2Α 6-酮前列腺素F1Α 氧化应激 Diabetes,type 2 Folate 8-isoprostane F2α 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α Oxidative stress
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