
高脂高糖饮食诱导建立2型糖尿病小型猪模型 被引量:2

Establish minipig model of type 2 diabetes mellitus with high-fat and high-sucrose diet
摘要 目的建立2型糖尿病小型猪模型,观察其血清中胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)的变化及其与血糖、胰岛素、C肽的关系。方法将20头4月龄中国实验用小型猪[雌雄各半,体重(16.9±1.1)kg]按数字表法随机分为两组:基础饲料组(CD组)和高脂高糖组(HFSD组),每组10头,雌雄各半。其中CD组喂食基础饲料,HFSD组喂食高脂高糖饲料,用于制作2型糖尿病小型猪模型,以空腹血糖值≥7.0mmol/L为模型制作成功。分别于实验起始起第0、3、6个月末取2组动物隔夜空腹血,测定血糖、胰岛素、C肽以及血脂;取餐后2h血,测定GLP-1。两组间数据比较采用t检验,GLP-1与其他变量的关系检验用Pearson相关分析法。结果在第6个月末HFSD组体重为(74±11)kg,CD组为(44±4)kg,组问差异有统计学意义(t=7.93,P〈0.01);在第6个月末HFSD组空腹血糖为(7.6±1.8)mmol/L,CD组为(4.4±0.7)mmol/L,2组差异有统计学意义(t:4.32,P〈0.01),证实糖尿病动物模型成功建立。与CD组相比,在第6个月末HFSD组TG、TC均显著升高,差异均有统计学意义[分别为(0.83±0.29)、(0.56±0.18)mmol/L和(4.0±1.0)、(2.8±0.5)mmol/L,t=2.05、7.11,均P〈0.05]。HFSD组GLP一1降低趋势明显,其水平与空腹血糖呈负相关(r=-0.81,P〈0.01),与c肽呈正相关(r=0.73,P〈0.01),与胰岛素无明显相关趋势(r=0.19,P〉0.01)。结论高脂高糖6个月饲养可建立较为理想的2型糖尿病小型猪模型,其表现为体重增加、血糖升高并且血清TG、TC水平升高,GLP-1水平显著下降。 Objective To establish minipig model of type 2 diabetes mellitus with high-fat and high-sucrose diet and to observe the changes of serum glucagon-like peptide-1 ( GLP-1 ) and its relation with blood glucose, insulin and C-peptide. Methods Twenty 4-month-old Chinese experimental minipigs ( weighted ( 16. 9 ± 1.1 ) kg) were randomly assigned to the control diet group ( CD group, n = 10) and high-fat and high-sucrose diet (HFSD group, n = 10), with 5 females and 5 males in each group, according to the random number table. CD group were fed with basic diet, and HFSD group were fed with high-fat and high-sucrose diet to establish type 2 diabetic minipig model. Fasting blood glucose≥7.0 mmol/L was set as the criterion that the type 2 diabetic minipig model were established successfully. Blood samples for plasma parameters, including blood glucose, insulin, C-peptide and blood lipid, were withdrawn from the animals separately at the end of the 0, 3rd and 6th month following an overnight fasting and 2 hours after feeding, and for detecting the blood GLP-1. The t test was performed to compare the data of the two groups. Pearson's correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationship between GLP-1 and the other variables. Results At the end of the 6th month, the average weight of HFSD group was ( 74 ± 11 ) kg and that of CD group was (44 ±4) kg (t =7.93,P 〈0. 01 ). At the end of the 6th month, the concentrations of fasting blood glucose in HFSD group and CD group were (7.6 ± 1.8) mmoLCL and (4. 4±0. 7) mmol/L, respectively (t =4. 32, P 〈 0. 01 ). Tim results confirmed that type 2 diabetic animal model was established in minipig. The level of triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) in HFSD group ( ( 0. 83 ± 0. 29 ) and ( 4. 0 ± 1.0) mmol/L,respectively)was significantly increased compared with those in CD group ( (0. 56 ±0. 18) and (2. 8 ±0. 5) mmol/L) (t =2. 05, 7. 11, both P 〈 0. 05). The level of GLP-1 in HFSD group had a clear tendency of decreasing, which was negatively correlated with blood glucose ( r = - 0. 81, P 〈 0. 01 ) , had a positive assoeiation with C-peptide (r = 0. 73, P 〈 0. 01 ) , and had no significant association with insulin( r = 0. 19, P 〉 0. 01 ). Conclusions A 6-month of feeding with high-fat and high-sucrose diet can establish an ideal type 2 diabetes model in minipig, which features weight gain, blood glucose elevation, increased levels of serum TG and TC, and significantly decreased GLP-1 level.
出处 《中华糖尿病杂志》 CAS 2012年第9期556-559,共4页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF DIABETES MELLITUS
基金 内蒙古医学院重大(青年)科研项目基金资助(NY2006ZD003)
关键词 糖尿病 2型 模型 动物 中国实验用小型猪 胰高血糖素样肽-1 Diabetes mellitus, type 2 Models, animal Chinese experimental minipigs Glucagon-like peptide-1
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