
位村煤矿矿井瓦斯与地质构造关系研究 被引量:1

Study on Relationship between Gas Bursting and Geostructure in Weicun Coal Deposit
摘要 矿田构造对瓦斯赋存规律具有重要的控制作用,进而影响煤与瓦斯突出。探讨区域构造与瓦斯的赋存规律,对于瓦斯突出的防治具有重要意义。位村煤矿属于煤与瓦斯突出矿井。矿田构造以断层和宽缓褶皱为主,断层附近瓦斯含量降低;褶皱枢纽附近,煤层顶部因顺层滑动构造形成构造煤,导致瓦斯聚集。煤层开采时,需要注意构造应力的影响。 Structure of coal deposits controls the distributing pattern of gas in coal layers, and then has great influence on the burst of coal and gas. So, it is of important significance to discuss the re- lationship between regional geological structure and gas distributing on prediction of gas burst. Weicun coal deposit belongs to coal and gas bursting well, and its deposit structure consists of fault and flat fold. The gas content is low when the location is near the fault by compurgation with that of the fault, as the coal layers are transformed to structural coal and the gas is enriched when the location is near the fault. The influence of geostress on gas bursting should be in caution during the coal exploration.
出处 《科教文汇》 2012年第25期101-102,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 位村煤矿 瓦斯突出 地质构造 地应力 Weicun coal deposit gas bursting geostructure geostress
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