以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代领导集体阐述了关于法治的一系列观点和论题 :1.宪法至上是法治的前提和基础。 2 .依法行政是法治的关键。 3.法治经济是法治的核心。 4 .强化监督是法治的必然要求。 5.普法是法治的重要任务和途径。 6 .正确处理若干关系是法治的题中之义等等。
The third generation leader group of CPC led by Jiang Zemin raises a series of the concepts and topoics of law, mainly including:1.Considering the constitution as the supreme of all is the premise and the foundation of the law; 2.Administering according to the law is the crux of the law; 3.The law-ruling economics is the heart of the law;4.Tightening supervision is the inevitable requirement of the law; 5.The Law-popularization is the important task and way of the law; 6.Dealing with some relations properly is the theme of the law. These concepts and topics have greatly enriched and developed Deng Xiaoping's law theory to build the Chinese-characteristic socialismcountry.
Journal of Jiaying University