本文阐述了泰州学派的性质、分化和消亡 ,认为泰州学派是以士人为主的儒家学派 ,王艮逝世后泰州学派产生了分化 ,王襞、王栋是其继承者 ,颜山农、何心隐等是其变异者 。
The essay illustrates the charateristics, the process of segregation and disappearance of Taizhou school. The author holds that Taizhou school was a confucian one composed mostly of intellectuals. After the death of Wang Gen, Taizhou school disintegrated. Yan Shannong and He Xinyin were two of the dissenters, who contributed to the dying out of Taizhou school.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences