
企业集聚、劳动生产率与我国地区经济发展差异 被引量:1

Enterprise Agglomeration,Labor Productivity and the Regional Economic Development Differences in China
摘要 经济一体化使得分工逐渐细化,产业内与产业间联系明显加强,企业的空间分布模式由分散逐渐向集聚发展。本文在新经济地理学理论分析的基础上,利用全国30个省市自治区(除西藏外)的面板数据,引入人力资本投资和技术水平作为控制变量建立模型,分析企业集聚、劳动生产率与我国地区经济发展差异的关系。实证分析结果表明,从全国层面看,劳动生产率对经济发展的贡献度最大,其次是人力资本投资,企业集聚与技术水平对地区经济发展水平也有显著正影响。分地区看,人力资本投资对东部地区经济发展贡献度最大,而企业集聚对中部地区的贡献度最大,劳动生产率与人力资本投资对西部地区经济发展贡献度很显著。 Economic integration makes the division of work refined gradually and strengthen the links between intra-indus- try and inter-Industry significantly, besides, the spatial distribution of the enterprise become more cluster than before. Based on the theoretical analysis of the new economic geography, this paper set a model by using the panel data of 30 provinces (except Tibet) and drawing human capital investment, technical level as control variables into this model to discuss the rela- tionship between enterprise agglomeration, labor productivity and the regional economic development differences in China. Ac- cording to statistical study, in the whole country, labor productivity make the largest contribution to the economic development, next to is human capital investment. Enterprise agglomeration and technical level also have a significant positive effects on it. Seeing from the eastern, central and the west separately, human capital investment make the largest contribution to The east- ern's development and enterprise agglomeration to the central, labor productivity and human capital investment have a signifi- cant influence on western development.
出处 《湖北经济学院学报》 2012年第5期69-76,共8页 Journal of Hubei University of Economics
基金 西南民族大学2011年度外国文教专家项目(2011-47)
关键词 企业集聚 劳动生产率 地区经济发展差异 新经济地理学 enterprise agglomeration labor productivity the regional economic development differences New Economic Geography
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