
翻译学从属于语言学吗?——析语言学派的翻译学定位 被引量:1

Translation Belongs to Linguistics?——Analysis on Translation Localization of Linguistics School
摘要 翻译理论研究能走上系统化、科学化和客观化的道路,在很大程度上得益于语言学的发展。不过,语言学派翻译研究者大多把翻译研究纳入语言学或应用语言学的范畴,这一做法不能全面反映翻译学科的根本性质。这种范式体现出单纯精准科学化的片面性,在翻译研究中并不完全适用。把人文科学中并不稳定的客体当作相对稳定的自然科学的客体来看待,在较大程度上抹煞了人文科学与自然科学的差异性,使翻译研究成了一种程式化的规律研究。翻译实践不是一般语言活动,而是双语转换活动,是一种人文性极强的实践活动。研究翻译实践活动的翻译学是一门与语言学、文艺美学、文化研究及信息传播学等学科相平等的独立的人文学科。 Due to the development of linguistics, translation studies becomes more and more systematic, scientific and objective. However, translation researchers of the linguistic school mostly put translation research into linguistics and applied linguistics. This approach does not reveal the fundamental characters of the discipline all sidedly. The unilateral tendency of this paradigm, stressing preciseness and scientific character of objects, does not cater to the needs of translation studies satisfactorily. Re- garding the unstable objects of humanistic disciplines as the stable objects of natural sciences is equal to neglecting the differences between humanistic disciplines and natural sciences. Under the guidance of this outlook, translation studies is a formulaic study of objective laws. Translating practice is not a lingual activity in a common sense, but a bilingual transforming activity with strong humanistic characters. Translation studies is an independent humanistic discipline, which has equal status to linguistics, culture studies and information communication studies.
作者 易经 谢楚
出处 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2012年第3期74-77,共4页 Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
基金 湖南省社科基金项目"翻译学科构建研究--缘起 定位 方法体系"(11WLH40) 湖南省教育厅人文社科研究青年项目"翻译学构建方法探析"(10B070)
关键词 语言学 翻译学 学科定位 人文性 linguistics translation studies disciplinary orientation humanistic character
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