:改革进入“攻坚”阶段 ,改革与稳定的矛盾日益凸现 ,要实现改革与稳定的良性互动 ,在认识上 ,既要对改革会带来不稳定因素并可能导致不稳定有清醒的认识、充分的估计 ,又要走出“改革与稳定根本对立”的认识误区 ;在实践中 ,首先 ,在经济体制改革的方式上 ,要冲破“用计划经济方式去推行市场经济”的“改革怪圈” ,其次 ,在改革的侧重点上 ,要彻底结束政治体制改革严重滞后的局面 。
china's reform is entering the decisive stage. In order to realize the good interaction between reform and stability,we should idiologically get rid of the misunder standing of “contradiction of reform and stability”;practically, we should break through the “puzzling circle” of applying the planned economic methods to market economy. In addition, we should speed up the pace of our political system reform.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University