
信息技术资源和信息技术能力的互补性及其绩效影响 被引量:13

The Complementarity between IT Resources and IT Capabilities and its Effect on Firm Performance
摘要 信息技术资源和信息技术能力之间的关系是明确信息技术价值实现机理的基础。本文基于资源基础理论、竞争战略理论和核心能力理论,构建了信息技术资源、信息技术能力、信息系统支持企业竞争战略、信息系统支持企业核心能力和企业绩效之间关系的理论模型,研究信息技术资源和信息技术能力在信息技术价值实现过程中的互补性以及其对企业绩效的影响机理。利用层次回归分析方法对296份中国企业的实际调查数据进行了数据分析和模型拟合。研究结果表明信息技术资源和信息技术能力在信息技术价值实现过程中具有互补性,而且两者之间的互补性通过信息系统支持企业竞争战略和信息系统支持企业核心能力等中介变量间接影响企业绩效。 Resource-based view (RBV) theory has been widely used in information systems studies. The relationship between information technology (IT) resources and IT capabilities plays critical roles in understanding the underlying mechanism of IT value creation. Some studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between IT resource and IT capability during the IT value creation process. However, the specific relationship between IT resource and IT capability has not been determined. Based on our proposed complementary hypothesis, the complementary between IT resources and IT capabilities and its effect on firm performance were examined to better understand the mechanism of IT value creation. The first part of this paper is research model and hypotheses. Based on Kohli and Grover's IT business value creation framework, a research model that integrates IT resources, IT capabilities, IS support competitive strategies, IS support core capabilities and firm performance is proposed to investigate the complementarity between IT resource and IT capability in the process of IT value creation. Four hypotheses are proposed to examine the relationships between constructs in the research model. The second part is research methodology. In order to empirically test the research model, a questionnaire is developed, and all items are measured using seven-point Likert scale. After pre-testing, 1000 questionnaire are distributed and 296 valid questionnaires are collected. The non-response bias is conducted by comparing the key variables of the first fourth sample and the last fourth sample, and the results indicate that there is no response bias between the collected sample and the non-response sample. Harman's single- factor test is used to examine common method variance, and the variance explained by the first factor is 27.45% , indicating that there isn't serious common method variance in the research sample. The third part is data analysis and results. The reliability test of our proposed model shows that Cronbach's ( values of all first- order measurement models are over o. 7, indicating that the measurement model has good reliability, and the loadings of all measurement items are greater than 0. 6 by confirmatory factor analysis, indicating that all measurement models have good validity. For structure model assessment, Hierarchical Regression Analysis is selected to fit the research model and test four hypotheses, and the results indicate that these four hypotheses are supported ( P = 0.05 ). The fourth part includes theoretical contributions, practical implications, research limitations, and future studies. Theoretical contributions include the complementarity between IT resource and IT capability uncovering the underlying mechanism of IT value creation. This finding helps understand the complexity of the IT value creation process, and explain its effect on firm performance. For practical implications, firms should pay great attention to the complementarity between IT resource and IT capability, as well as focus on the alignment and integration between the complementarity and a firm' competitive strategy and core capability. In summary, our proposed research model interrelates IT resource, IT capability, IS support competitive strategies, IS support core capabilities and firm performance. The integrative model helps investigate the complementary between IT resource and IT capability and its effect on firm performance. The model is empirically tested using data collected from 296 firms in China. The results also indicate that the complementarity between IT resource and IT capability does exist in the process of IT value creation. Furthermore, IT support for a firm's competitive strategy and core competence can mediate the complementarity.
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期166-175,共10页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(71101065 70971056) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目(10YJC630242) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究基金资助项目(2010SJB630020) 江苏科技大学人文社科预研重点资助项目(2010JG108J)
关键词 信息技术价值 信息技术资源 信息技术能力 互补性 竞争战略 核心能力 企业绩效 strategic value of information technology information technology resource information technology capability Complementarities competitive strategy core capability firm performance
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