
关于联合开发区的研究:一般分析框架和管理模式 被引量:8

Research on the Joint Development Zone: General Analysis Framework and Management Model
摘要 联合开发区是以跨区域合作共建为特征的一种新兴开发区模式,在促进区域产业转移和区域合作、推进区域协调发展方面发挥着重要作用。相对于一般开发区,联合开发区的特征在于"制度创新收益"的跨区域分配,由此决定了联合开发区的属性、功能和效应。联合开发区成功的关键在于管理模式的选择和创新。联合开发区管理组织结构按其功能特征可抽象为一个集协调、行政管理和开发于一体的三层金字塔构造,各层次在特定管理模式中的地位和作用的不同决定了管理模式的整体功能指向的差异,据此可将现实的管理模式划分为各有优劣的开发导向型和开放导向型两种模式。由于管理模式自身尚有进一步改进和创新的空间,因此,兼顾开发和开放均衡且有第三方参与的均衡管理模式作为联合开发区管理的愿景模式是值得期待的。 As a newly emerged development zone model featuring cross-region cooperation and collaborative construction, Joint Development Zone (hereafter referred to as JDZ) is an important spatial platform for promoting industrial transfer, regional cooperation, and regional economic integration. Constructing JDZs through cross-regional cooperation may, to a certain extent, ease the pressures associated with factor-tense and industry transformation in the development of China's developing zones. This would help the regional industry and allow regional cooperation toshift to regional integration. The JDZ in the Yangtze River Delta region has outperformed the other JDZs in China. As of 2011, over 40 JDZs have been built in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, including China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), Suzhou-Suqian Industrial Park, etc. Over 20 JDZs have been built in areas adjacent to Shanghai, including the Caohejing Hi-Tech Development Zone Haining Partition. Meanwhile, Anhui has set up the Yangtze Delta JDZ in the Wan River industrial Transfer Demonstration Zone. JDZ is playing an increasingly important role in industry transfer and regional integration. The home side administration Authority ot jtJL cuml~ ~ J administrative or market players that are advantage-complementary through joint planning, construction, management and tax distribution in certain region in the local side. The home side shall provide institution innovation revenue to the guest side, management or enterprises, to encourage oriented industry transfer and help agglomeration, thus to enhance the development of both side and win-win result. It has three main effects.demonstration effect of inctustry transfer and upgrading, revenue returning effect and industry update and platform effect of regional cooperation and coordinated development. The key to success of JDZ are the options and innovations of the management model. The management model can be extracted according to its functional features of planning management and development and forms a three level pyramid. This pyramid is composed of a local administration coordination body for both sides, an administration body for the JDZ itself and the group of investors to the JDZs. As has been shown, the status and function in the specific management model of the three levels determines the difference of the functional direction of the management as a whole and has a strong impact on the goal, location, function distribution and interest distribution of the management model. Accordingly, the management model can be also defined as developing-oriented and opening-oriented, with each having their own advantages and disadvantages. As the management model itself is still in the process of improving and innovating, putting forward a balanced management model emphasizing both developing and third-party participation in opening features is highly anticioated.
作者 陈建军 梁佳
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期61-72,共12页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(J20090787 J20111187) 国家发展和改革委员会项目(2011-47-35)
关键词 联合开发区 产业集群 产业转移 区域合作 管理模式 joint development zone institution innovation revenue industry transfer regionalcooperation management model
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