英语商标词是英语词汇中的特殊部分 ,具有自身的特点和功能。英语商标词的选择和翻译需涉及语言学、翻译学、美学、营销学、心理学、跨文化交际学以及相关法律法规等多种学科和领域。本文提出了英语商标命名六原则并探讨了商标词英汉互译中如何遵循“意义相符 ,功能相似”
English trademark words, an essential part in English trademarks and the special part in English vocabulary, have their own functions and characteristics. Many factors must be taken into consideration in the selection and translation of English trademark words, such as linguistics, translatology, aesthetics, marketing, psychology, cross cultural communication and the laws related. This thesis intends to provide six principles in the selection of good English trademark words and to give some suggestions in translating them on the basis of the theory——“correspondence in meaning and similarity in function”.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences