

The Achievements of the Captial City's Church Architecture in the early Byzantine Empire
摘要 查士丁尼是拜占庭帝国早期一位具有雄才大略的皇帝,在位期间,在拜占庭帝国各地修建了大量的教堂,仅在首都君士坦丁堡就新建或维修了30多座教堂。其中,建筑规模最大、最豪华的当属圣索菲亚教堂和圣徒教堂。要精确地记载查士丁尼在帝国各地建造的所有教堂是很困难的,但是,普罗柯比的著作再一次为我们提供了查士丁尼大规模建筑活动的成就及其动机。巨额建筑资金成为帝国政府沉重的负担,在不影响帝国政府收复失地的重大战略下,帝国政府采取了多种渠道筹集建筑资金。 Justinian I, one of the outstanding statesmen in the history of the Byzantine Empire, put up a large-scale construction activities during his reign of the Empire. He built or maintained over more than 30 churches in the capital Constantinople only, of which, building the largest and most luxurious is the Saint Sophia Church and the Saints Church. It was very difficult to accurately record all churches which Justinian built, however, Procopius' works again offered us the Special construction achievements and motivation of the Emperor. For this reason, it was a heavy burden for the imperial government being huge construction funds, but the Government has taken a number of channels to raise construction capital without prejudice of major strategic of the Imperial Government to regain lost ground.
作者 王云清
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 2012年第10期48-54,共7页 History Teaching
关键词 查士丁尼一世 圣索菲亚教堂 圣徒教堂 建筑费用 Justinian I the St. Sophia Church the Saints Church Construction Finds
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  • 5Procopius, De Aedificiis or Buildings [M] (with a English translation by H. B Dewing, with the collaboration of Glanville Downey) ,Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press.
  • 6Proeopius, History of the Wars[M](with an English translation by H. B. Dewing), Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1996.
  • 7E. Stein, History of Byzantine Empire(or Histoire du Bas--Empire)[M] ,II. Paris. 1949.
  • 8普罗柯比.秘史[M].吴舒屏等译,陈志强审校注释.上海:三联书店,2007.
  • 9J. B. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire from the Death of Theodocius.to the Death of Justinian(395A. D. --565A. D. ) [M], 2vols. London: Macmillan, reprinted, New York: Dover Books, 1923.
  • 10Procopius, The Anecdota or Secret History[M] (with an English translation by H. B Dewing) , Cambridge , Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1998.









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