从对刘勰《文心雕龙·神思》篇关于艺术思维理论建构的研究中 ,指出《神思》艺术思维的特质由“神”与“物”、“志气”与“辞令”两个层次所形成的结构模式及其与《文心雕龙》整个理论体系的内在关系。并就这一理论体系所具有的鲜明的主体性。
This paper expounds the artistic thought theory and its features in On Meticulous Creation of Papers . It holds the view that the features of the artistic thought are composed of structural patterns of “imagination” Vs “image” and “emotions” Vs “language” as well as the intrinsic relationship in the whole theoretical system of On Meticulous Creation of Papers. This paper also makes a research on the subjectivity,theoreticality and conceptual thought patterns of the whole theoretical system of On Meticulous Creation of Papers.