19世纪后期 ,中国和日本都面临看如何走向近代化的问题 ,在这样的背景下 ,日本出现了福泽谕吉的《劝学篇》 ,中国出现了张之洞的《劝学篇》。前者鼓吹独立自由 ,着日本启蒙之先鞭 ;后者站在封建卫士道的立场 ,为满清王朝服务 ,但受西学的影响 ,鼓吹“中学为体 ,西学为用”。
In the late 19th century, both China and Japan facd a problem of advancing towards modernization which gave birth to the two books with the same title-Encourage Learning. The one by Fuzeyuji(福泽谕吉)advertises independence and freedom as a forerunner of enlightenment while the one by Zhang Zhidong advocates 'Chinese learning as the fundamental structure, Western learning for practical use' from the stand of afeudal apologist..
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)