刘基词作于榛芜的明代词坛 ,是屈指可数的名家之一。刘基贯彻经世致用的文学主张 ,将词作为抒情言志的重要工具 ,忧世之不治 ,郁志之弗舒 ,愤言之不听 ,间或亦以之状山水之美 ,题材广泛 ,内容丰厚。艺术上长于兴寄 ,长于铺叙 ,且善于用典 ;描景状物秀丽入神 ,造语精工典雅。
Liu ji who made remarkable achievements in the ci field of the Ming Dynasty was one of the very few ci experts.He carried out the doctrine that literature must serve the people and made use of ci as an important tool with which to convey his emotions and aspirations.He worried about the instability of his country,felt unhappy,and detested his suggestion being turned down,but sometimes he also sang the praises of the beauty of mountains and rivers,therefore,his ci was wide in subject matter and rich in content.In art,he was good at implying,narrating and using literary quotations as well.His descriptions of scenes and objects were vivid and his wording precise and elegant.The style of his ci was dominated by the tones of mildness,sweetness and simplicity.