汉武帝采纳董仲舒“独尊儒术”的建议 ,对先秦百家学说进行了一次总结 ,既纠正了诸子互相攻伐的片面性 ,又废除了焚书坑儒、打击迫害知识人才的野蛮政策 ,适应了封建社会发展的需要 ,其大一统、薄税款、省徭役、宽民力、盐铁归民、以农为本、广设学校、用贤致治等 。
Dong Zhongshu's proposition of respecting only Confucianism,adopted by HanWuDi,was a summary of thoughts of various schools during the period of pre-Qin.It corrected the one-sidedness of the thought of each school and abolished the cruel policy of burning the books and burying the literati.It met the needs of the development of the then feudal society,and today a lot can still be learnt from its ideas,such as unification as a great country,remitting tax,taking agriculture as the foundation,building schools as many as possible,etc..
Journal of Changde Teachers University(Social Science Edition)