土家族是居住在武陵山区的古老民族 ,自秦汉开始与封建王朝保持着隶属关系 ,开始接受以儒学为主体的汉文化影响。经过唐宋时期 ,特别是“改土归流”后 ,土家族吸收了大量儒学文化 ,使其经济文化发生了显著的变化。
Tujia nationality is an old nationality who lives in Wulin Mountains. It has been subordinated to feudal dynasties and began to accept the reflection of the Culture of Han. After the Dynasties of Tang and Song , particularly through the replacement of hereditary local chieftains with nonhereditary appointees from the central government ,Tujia Nationality has absorbed plenty of the Culture of Confucianists. It has made its economy and culture change obviously.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences