
A link of stochastic differential equations to nonlinear parabolic equations 被引量:7

A link of stochastic differential equations to nonlinear parabolic equations
摘要 Using Girsanov transformation,we derive a new link from stochastic differential equations of Markovian type to nonlinear parabolic equations of Burgers-KPZ type,in such a manner that the obtained BurgersKPZ equation characterizes the path-independence property of the density process of Girsanov transformation for the stochastic differential equation.Our assertion also holds for SDEs on a connected differential manifold. Using Girsanov transformation, we derive a new link from stochastic differential equations of Markovian type to nonlinear parabolic equations of Burgers-KPZ type, in such a manner that the obtained Burgers- KPZ equation characterizes the path-independence property of the density process of Girsanov transformation for the stochastic differential equation. Our assertion also holds for SDEs on a connected differential manifold.
出处 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第10期1971-1976,共6页 中国科学:数学(英文版)
基金 supported by Laboratory of Mathematics and Complex Systems,National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11131003) Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
关键词 非线性抛物型方程 随机微分方程 方程组解 KPZ方程 独立路径 SDES 微分流形 stochastic differential equations, the Girsanov transformation, nonlinear partial differential equation, diffusion processes
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