

Analysis of multilayer wave concept of zeroth-order resonant(ZOR) antenna based on epsilon negative transmission line(ENG-TL) by means of iteration
摘要 针对有限元法、时域有限差分法具有吸收边界条件的不完整性、计算效率不高等缺陷,引入多层波概念迭代法(multilayer contribution of wave concept iterative process)有效地解决上述问题.利用该方法分析基于ENG-TL零阶谐振器天线的多层模型,通过对激励源所在平面电磁场与电流场的仿真,计算出S参数.该结果与HFSS仿真结果和参考文献结果进行对比,呈现良好的一致性,验证了该方法的准确性,丰富了对ENG-TL零阶谐振器天线的数值研究. Aimed at the defect of the finite element method and time-domain finite difference method such as the incompleteness of boundary condition absorption and low calculation efficiency, an iterative method of multilayer contribution of wave concept, proposed in this paper, would well solve the above-mentioned problems. By using this method, the multilayer model of ZOR antenna based on epsilon negative transmis- sion Iine(ENG-TL) was analyzed. By means of simulation of electromagnetic field and current field on the excitation source plane, the S parameter was calculated. The result was in full agreement with the HFSS simulation result and the result provided by the literature, and the validity of this method was verified and the numerical research of ZOR antenna based on ENG-TL was enriched.
出处 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期75-79,共5页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology
基金 甘肃省高校研究生导师科研计划项目(0811-05)
关键词 ENG传输线 零阶谐振器 多层波概念迭代法 二维快速傅里叶模式变换 ENG-transmission line zeroth-order resonator multilayer eontibution of wave concept itera- tive process two-dimensional fast Fourier model tranformation
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