
削减家庭直接碳排放的干预政策及其实施效应——发达国家的相关实验研究述评 被引量:2

Intervention Policy of Reducing Household Direct Carbon Emission and its Effects——A Review of Related Empirical Studies in Developed Countries
摘要 本文主要对削减家庭直接碳排放的相关实验研究文献进行回顾并予以评析。研究发现,削减家庭直接碳排放的干预政策总体上分为前置政策和后继政策两类或者分为心理策略(即信息策略)和结构策略两类,目标设定、诱导承诺和提供信息等前置政策对削减家庭直接碳排放往往是有效的,经济激励和结果反馈等后继政策在短期内是削减家庭直接碳排放的有效方式,不同干预政策的成本和收益不尽一致,特定干预政策的有效性有一定的条件,联合使用多种干预政策相对于单独使用某种干预政策往往更有效。 This study is designed to review the intervention policies aiming at reducing household direct carbon emission and e- valuates their effectiveness. Our study comes to the following conclusions and implications: generally, intervention policies can be di- vided into two categories: psychological strategies and structural policies. In most cases, it is effective to encourage direct carbon e- mission reduction by using antecedent policies such as comminnent, demoustration and goal setting strategies. The study shows that the economic incentives and feedback are effective to promote reducing direct carbon emission. However, costs and benefits of inter- ventions are not always consistent. There are certain conditions for the effectiveness of a specific intervention strategy, and it is usually more effective to use conjoint intervention measures than one single intervention measure.
出处 《财经论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期109-116,共8页 Collected Essays on Finance and Economics
基金 教育部人文社科研究基金青年资助项目(09YJC630194 10YJC630132) 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(Y6110086)
关键词 直接碳排放削减 前置政策 后继政策 联合干预 现场实验 reducing household direct carbon emission antecedent policy consequent policy conjoint intervention field experiment
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