通过分析光纤通道(Fibre Channel,FC)网络架构、协议及其冗余机制,将双冗余交换式FC网络抽象成链路、端口、终端、交换机和数据模型,开发航空电子环境下的双冗余交换式FC网络的仿真工具,仿真工具提供网络的吞吐量、数据传输延迟等网络性能评价指标。将实例网络实测和仿真的结果进行比较得出:时延误差和吞吐量误差在合理的随机变化范围内,其随通信负载的变化趋势一致,说明所建仿真模型能够反映航空电子FC网络的工作特性。
With the analysis of the architecture, protocols and redundant mechanisms of the fiber channel (FC) network, a simplified pattem was proposed which FC dual redundant switched network could be di- vided into link, port, terminal, switch fabric and data frames. Then we develop a FC dual redundant switched network simulation toolkit, which provides some evaluating indicators including transmission de- lay, throughput and etc. , and compare simulation results with measured ones. The delay error and throughput error are both within reasonable limits;and the variation tendency keeps the same along with communication load variation. Thus, the results indicate the proposed models could well reflect the FC du- al redundant switched network characteristics.
Aeronautical Computing Technique