
基于批量-时间原则的VMI Hub配送柔性 被引量:1

VMI Hub's Delivery Flexibility Based on Quantity-Time Dispatching Policy
摘要 批量-时间原则是一种既考虑配送经济批量又考虑配送时间要求的配送原则,基于此原则,本文对VMIHub运作模式下的配送柔性进行了研究,引入加权配送松弛时间(Weighted Slack Time,WST)以度量配送柔性。验证了VMI Hub运作模式在原材料配送方面的优势:VMI Hub运作模式具有配送上的集聚效应(Pooling Effect)和统一配送的特点,可以有效解决多供应商配送存在交叉时间而使加权配送松弛时间减少的问题,从而保证了稳定的配送松弛时间,体现了良好的配送柔性。 Quantity-time dispatching policy contains both time and quantity dimension. This paper analyzes the VMI Hub's operating model from the perspective of delivery flexibility based on this policy. Weighted Slack Time( WST) is introduced into delivery flexibilities' measurement. The paper reveals VMI Hub's strength on dispatching. VMI Hub's characteristic of Pooling Effect and uni-dispatching can avoid WST decrease caused by the un-matched multiple suppliers' delivery time. VMI Hub can always retain a good WST and a better delivery flexibility.
出处 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期103-111,共9页 Operations Research and Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71072035)
关键词 供应链 配送柔性 批量-时间原则 VMI HUB 加权松弛时间 supply chain delivery flexibility quantity-time policy VMI hub weighted slack time
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