Internal fraud is the most important loss type of Chinese commercial banks and laas causeu a tot o2 los- ses. Since the nature characteristics of operational risk and the time of data collecting is short, loss data is deftcieney, traditional methods are hard to derive stable parameters estimation with small sample. In order to calcu- late more accurate with little data, this paper uses the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation to calcu- late the parameters. Under the framework of Loss Distribution Approach, we set the loss frequency Poisson distri- bution, the prior is Gamma distribution, while the loss severity is Generalized Pareto distribution, the prior dis- tribution is mixture Gamma distribution, then we got the posterior distributions of loss frequency and loss severity of internal fraud of different business lines, with Monte Carlo simulation we get the integrated distributions of dif- ferent business lines. The results are good and compared with tradition Extreme Value Theory method, Bayesian analysis is helpful to derive accurate and stable parameters and therefore the total loss with small sample, and using this method the bank can prepare lower operational capital.
Operations Research and Management Science