The compatriots on both sides of the strait take efforts to giving a forum named the Fourth Cross-strait People Forum,and it is the fourth grand occasion.Since 2007,the last four forums respectively were held successfully in Fuzhou,Quanzhou of Fujian,Taichung of Taiwan,which had promoted the nearly one hundred surnames and more than 30 ten thousand people to chase up their common ancestors.On June 23 in this year,the Fourth Cross-strait People Forum was held successfully in Kaohsiung,and achieved a number of new cross.In the forum,the history origin relation between the native Taiwan and Fujian was researched and discussed,and it puts forward the academic point of view that the natives and the Han people in Taiwan came from China's Mainland,and verify their common source through the application of modern science.Although Taiwan has qualitative change of the localization,but their common source never change.The forums had showed out the theme that the people on cross-strait have common ancestor and the people in Fujian and Taiwan are in a family with communication of ground-to-ground,name to name and the people to people.The forums’ qualities of folk and grassroots and universality fully embody the affection of blood is thicker than water,shows the affinity and vitality of the clan-name cultural exchanges and the Chinese cultural exchange on both sides of the Taiwan straits.
Journal of Fujian Institute of Socialism
The Cross-strait People Forum
Surname Culture
Indigenous People in Taiwan
Common Ancestor