
中国对陆地边界争议的应对及对处理海洋争端的启示——以1962年中印边界武装冲突中的对印政策为例 被引量:1

China′s Countermeasure against Land Border Dispute and Its Inspiration to Handle Maritime Disputes: A Case Study of China′s Policy towards India during the Sino-Indian Boundary Armed Conflict in 1962
摘要 领土(包括海洋)争端是影响中外关系的重要因素。特别是近几年,中国与周边国家的海上纷争日益增多,成为亚太地区关系格局中持续升温的热点话题。与此同时,在陆界方面,中国尚与印度存在巨大的领土争议,其直接原因在于1962年两国的边界冲突。以史为鉴,总结和分析冲突前后的对印政策,并从综合国力、利益诉求、大国心态等方面进行思考,对当今中国处理海洋问题具有积极的启示意义。 Territory(including Marine) dispute is one important factor that affects the Chinese-foreign relations.Especially in recent years,the sea disputes between China and neighboring countries are increasing gradually,and have become a hot issue in the Asia-Pacific regions.At the same time,there has been a heated Sino-Indian territorial dispute in land borders,which results from the boundary armed conflict in 1962.It is,thereafter,greatly helpful for China to take history as a mirror by summarizing and analyzing China′s policy towards India in the process of handling the conflict,and handle the marine problem with reflections on its comprehensive national power,interests appeal and great power mentality perspectives.
作者 胡庆亮
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期19-23,共5页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 中印边界 武装冲突 海洋争端 启示 Sino-Indian borders armed conflict maritime disputes inspiration
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