
输液恒温自动控制装置的研制 被引量:4

Development of an Automatic Infusion Temperature Control Device
摘要 为了减小低温输液可能给患者带来的危害,加温输液已经成为一种重要的临床补液方法。现有的输液恒温加热器在温度调节、加热过程控制、控温准确度等方面存在较多不足。针对这些问题,文章研制了一款便携式输液恒温自动控制装置,它采用超低功耗单片机MSP430F2274作为微控制器,DS18B20作为温度传感器,PTC热敏电阻作为发热材料,并利用PID算法实现输液温度的恒温自动控制。同时,配备了键盘输入与液晶显示,以满足不同温度设置的需要。实验结果表明,该装置能够实现输液恒温控制,控制精度可达±0.2℃,最高可控温度为47℃,响应速度迅捷,加热过程稳定可靠,具有良好的推广应用价值,适合于医院、卫生服务站、野外救援等场所使用。 The heated transfusion has become an important clinical infusion method, which is used to reduce potential harms to patients. The existing infusion heaters have still many shortcomings in the aspects of temperature regulation, control of heating process, temperature control precision and so on. Aiming at these shortcomings, this paper develops a portable constant-temperature infusion heater with automatic temperature control. It uses ultra-low power MCU MSP430F2274 as microcontroller, DS18B20 as temperature sensor, PTC thermistor as beating material, and PID algorithm to achieve automatic control of infusion temperature. At the same time, the device is provided with input keyboard and the LCD to set different temperatures. The experimental results show that the device is able to make infusion temperature control, the accuracy of temperature control is better than ±0.2℃, the controllable temperature is up to 47℃, the response speed is fast, and the heating process is stable and reliable. The device has good application value, which is suitable for hospitals, health service stations, field rescue centers and other places.
作者 宋俊磊
出处 《电子技术(上海)》 2012年第9期62-65,共4页 Electronic Technology
基金 湖北省教育厅科学技术研究项目(B20110401) 中国地质大学(武汉)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CUGL100222)
关键词 加温输液 恒温自动控制 PID算法 heated transfusion Automatic temperature control PID algorithm
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