目的通过对新疆伊宁市和喀什市校外青年艾滋病的相关危险因素调查,了解生活技能的创造性和批判性思维能力,为制定提高青年生活技能的干预措施提供客观依据。方法从这2个市分别选择2个乡,随机抽取16~25岁校外青年,采取面对面访谈,填写调查问卷。结果被调查的2 111人中,80.9%不同意吸烟能使自己更酷,77.7%不同意饮酒能解决问题,87.2%不同意吸毒能使自己更酷,74.9%不接受婚前性行为,91.1%不同意多性伴;判断力男性均低于女性(P<0.05)。结论与健康相关的成瘾物使用和性行为分析、判断力和抵抗力方面,两地男性弱于女性,相对风险大,增大了传播疾病的风险。
Objective To learn capacity of creative and critical thought of life skill among youths of 16-25 years old out- side school through investigation on HIV related risk factors in cities of Yining and Kashgar, and to provide suggestions for lo- cal prevention. Methods Two counties from the two cities were selected respectively. Some youths of 16-25 years old out- side school were chosen by random in the two counties. All people were interviewed face to face and filled the questionnaires. Results Among the 2 111 target persons, 80.9% agreed that smoking couldn' t make one look cooler, 77.7% agreed that drinking couldn' t help for resolving problem, 872% agreed that drug using couldn' t make one look cooler, 74.9% couldn' t accept premarital sex behavior, 91.1% disagreed that more sexual partners was welcomed. Justice ablility was lower in the male than in the female (P〈0.05). Conclusions For analyzing the life skill of justice and rejection of the health risk, it is lower in the male than in the female. That will increase the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases.
Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)