社会主义精神文明是社会主义社会的重要特征和优越性的体现。新的历史条件和新的形势对社会主义精神文明建设提出了更新更高的要求。我们必须把精神文明建设和物质文明建设统一起来 ,做到“两手抓 ,两手都要硬” ;搞好道德教育和道德实践的结全 ,提高人的素质 ,促进人的全面发展 ;抓好精神文明建设的制度化、规范化和法制化 ,推动精神文明的全面发展。只有这样 ,我们才能探索出精神文明建设的新路子 。
Socialist spiritual civilization is both the key feature and the embodiment of superiority of socialist society . Under the historical conditions of today, a higher ard newer request has been made to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. And we should try to coordinate the construction of spiritual and material civilization, pracise the motto of comrade Deng Xiao-ping that“Both hands should be laid firmly on the two issues”, apply the moral education to moral practice , so as to raise people's quality and all-round development and to improve the regulation system legality of construction of socialist spiritual civilization. Only in this way can we make breakthrough to promote the construction of spiritual civilization to a higher level.
Journal of Chenzhou Teachers College
spiritual civilization
construction of morality
sense of public morality
all-round development of people.