
规则管理与组织变革综述 被引量:3

Review on Rule Management and Organizational Reform
摘要 规则管理是目前管理的主要方法,当规则的成本相对于收益太高时,这种规则便难以具备持久的稳定性,必须实时的进行组织变革,规则管理与组织变革是相互伴随的。本文明确了规则管理与组织变革之间的关系,界定了规则、规则管理与组织变革的定义,并对组织变革模型做了详细的分析,在此基础上提出了组织变革的系统整合模型,对于开展规则管理、进行组织变革具有一定的指导作用。 Rule management is the main managing approach at the present time. When the cost of rule is too high relative to earnings, the rule must be reformed became of the lack of persistent stability, therefore rule management and organizational reform are connected each other. This paper makes a clear connection between rule management and organizational reform and defines the detinitions of rule, rule management and organizational reform. The model of organizational reform is analyzed in detail in the paper, and we provide the systeraafic integration model of organizational reform on that analysis, which has definite guidance function to carrying out rule management and organizational reform.
出处 《工业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期152-160,共9页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"劳动资本化:企业家及其他创新劳动激励模式探索"(项目编号:70472081) 2012年宁波工程学院科研启动资助项目"知识与规则视角的组织结构对个体行为与企业绩效影响的理论模型与实证分析"的研究成果
关键词 规则 规则管理 组织变革 变革模型 ride rule management organizational reform change model
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