Objective:To discuss the connotation of exterior excess syndrome by cold in Taiyang meridian, syndrome indicated by Mahuang Decoction and hemorrhinia of exterior syndrome. Methods : Modem Chinese language was applied to interpret the connotation of exterior excess syndrome by cold in Taiyang meridian, syndrome indicated by Mahuang Decoction and hemorrhinia of exterior syndrome in terms of the thirty-fifth to thirty-seventh, the forty-sixth, the fifty-first, the fifty-fifth, the one hundred and eighty-ninth to the one hun- dred and ninety-first, the two hundreds and thirty-second, the two hundred and thirty-fifth, the two hundreds and sixty-forth and the two hundreds and seventy-sixth of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, written by famous doctor Zhang Zhongjing in Chinese Donghan Dynasty. Re- suits : (1) Exterior excess syndrome by cold in Taiyang meridian was not all treated by Mahuang Decoction to sweat. (2) Syndromes can be treated by Mahuang Decoction were not all exterior excess syndromes by cold in Taiyang meridian. (3) Exterior excess syndrome by cold in Taiyang meridian and Mahuang Decoction were not two statements of one same syndrome with one-to-one. (4) Pathology mechanisms of exterior deficiency syndrome by wind-stroke in Taiyang meridian were floating of Wei-qi and discharge of Ying-qi, disharmony of Ying-qi and Wei-qi and the pathological feature was excess of discharge;pathological mechanisms of exterior excess syndrome by cold in Taiyang meridian were closure of Wei-qi and obstruction of Ying-qi,impassability between Wei-qi and Ying-qi,the pathological feature was excess of closure, and was not only the impassability of Taiyang meridian-qi, bu the obstruction of hand-lunar lung qi. (5) Patients with exterior excess of cold, closure of Wei and depression of Ying manifested by sweating was the reason of opening of exterior close and dispersion of depressed Wei-yang qi, for circulation of Wei-qi could make circulation of Ying-qi ; appearing hemorrhinia was the reasen of opening of lung qi and free circulation of depressed Ying-yiin,which could make the opening of Wei,for opening of exterior close could lead circulation of lung qi, circulation of lung qi could make exterior close disperse. Therefore, sweating and hemorrhinia were the signs of elimination of exterior excess of cold syndrome. (6) For the same exterior excess syndrome by cold in Taiyang meridian, hemor- rhinia appearing after taking medicine was first opening of closed Wei-qi, following smoothing of depressed Ying-qi; appearing hemor- rhinia before taking medicine was first opening of depressed Ying-qi, following smoothing of closed Wei-qi ; only appearing hemorrhinia without taking medicine was opening of depressed Ying-qi leading the smoothing of closed Wei-qi. (7) Mahuang Decoction was not only used exterior excess syndrome by cold in Taiyang meridian,it could also be used for exterior syndrome in every meridian caused by in- vasion of external pathogens. (8) Mahuang Decoction which was an effective prescription to bring down fever and relieve exterior syn- drome, was not only confined in the patients with floating and tight pluses. Patients with strong constitution and exothermic exterior cold syndrome could be treated by Mahuang Decoction. Conclusion:Connotation of exterior excess syndrome by cold in Taiyang meridian, syndrome indicated by Mahuang Decoction and hemorrhinia of exterior syndrome need to be further studied.
Acta Chinese Medicine
Treatise on Febrile Diseases
Zhang Zhongjing
exterior excess syndrome by cold in taiyang meridian
syndrome indicated bymahuang decoction
hemorrhinia of exterior syndrome