Objective: To analyze this region neonatal causes of death and propose pre- ventive measures to reduce neonatal mortali- ty. Method: Municipal counties of the third quarter,fourth quarter of 2009 to 2011,92 eases of neonatal death situation , the organi- zation of obstetric, pediatric, health depart- ment experts with twelve forms for review. Result:Reviewed 92 cases of death of new- born, the higher in men than women (70 ca- ses of male and 22 females ) , mainly dead because of birth asphyxia, premature chil- dren, and very low birth weight, neonatal pneumonia, 1 - within 7 days of death of newbornaceounted for 53. 3%, not regular check - ups and available for check - preg- nant women accounted for 63%, and the motherg education is generally low( accoun- ted for 85.9% of junior high school and be- low, or unknown ). Conclusion: Increase health education during pregnancy and peri-natal care management focuses on the low cultural level of the pregnant women to strengthen the I -7 days of neonatal inten- sive care, and strict implementation of high -risk maternal elassificatlon management system,the imptementatlon of the intrauter- ine referral of high - risk pregnant women to improve the primary pediatric hospltalthe doctor's skill level and neonatal asphyxia, thus maximizing the reduction of neonatal mortality.