
呼吸科门诊肺炎支原体感染及体外药敏分析 被引量:3

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection and drug sensitivity analysis in vitro of respiratory department outpatient
摘要 目的观察我院呼吸科肺炎支原体感染及药物的敏感性情况。方法回顾性分析我院自2011年1月-2011年12月来我院进行肺炎支原体检测标本培养及药敏情况。结果956例呼吸科患者中肺炎支原体感染218倒(22.8%),在冬季肺炎支原体感染率最高可达为26.8%,肺炎支原体对不同种抗生素敏感率各不相同,其中对红霉素最低仅为68.8%。结论肺炎支原体已成为当前呼吸科的重要病原茵之一,其对各种抗生素出现不同程度的耐药现象,进行药敏试验,对临床科学合理地使用抗茵药物具有重要意义。 Objective To observe the infection and drug susceptibility of Myeoplasma pneumoniae in Respiratory of our hospital. Methods The regression analysis of the condition of culture and drug sensitivity to Myeoplasma pneumoniae from January 2011 to December 2011 in our hospital. Results The infection of Myeoplasma pneumoniae accounted for 218 eases (22.8%) in 956 patients in Respiratory, and the rate has been up to 26.8 % in the winter. The sensitive rates of Myeophsma pneumoniae were different for different kinds of antibiotics, and only 68. 8 % to erythromycin. Conclusions Today, Mycophisma pneumoniae has become one of the important pathogens in Respiratory. They appeared vary degrees of drug resistance to various antibiotics, and we did susceptibility testing to them which has an important significance to scientific and rational use of antimicrobial drugs in clinical.
作者 田瑛 赵安成
出处 《医学检验与临床》 2012年第4期29-30,共2页 Medical Laboratory Science and Clinics
关键词 肺炎支原体 药物敏感性 Mycoplasma pneumoniac Drug sensitivity
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