Objective The purpose of the article was to investigate the reasons of the incompatibility of Mircrncolumn gel blood cross- matching technology, and to take relevant measures to ensure the softy of blood transfusion. Methods Mircrocolumn gel technology was applied to analyze the blood crossmatehing of the incompatible blood supplier and recipient's blood samples, and blood group serology test of them were detected too. Results The rese.arch involved 21735 blond erossmatching trials, including 193 mismatch eases. In the 193 eases, there were 155 RBC antiglobulin positive cases, which accounted for 80.3% of the mismatch cases; 17 irregular antibodies positive cases, which accounted for 8.8% of the mismatch eases; 14 antoantibodies positive eases, which accounted for 7.3% of the mismatch cases; 7 cases of other rea- sons, which accounted for 3.6% of the mismatch cases. Conclusion The main causes of the mismatch of mircrocolumn gel blood crossmatehing were the RBC antiglobulin, the irregular antibodies and the autoantibodies.
Medical Laboratory Science and Clinics
Mircrncolumn gel
Blood crossmatehing
Safety of blond transfusion