
教育均衡发展政策的“结果困境”——德国义务教育均衡发展的现状、问题与启示 被引量:5

The "Outcome-Dilemma" of Policy for Balanced Development of Education:Status Quo,Problem and Implication of Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Germany
摘要 经过近半个世纪的努力,德国在教育起点均衡方面取得了实质性的进步,但是就教育结果而论,目前仍然面临着不同地区、不同类型学校、特别是不同社会阶层和种族群体之间的不均衡问题。德国的发展经验表明,教育起点层面的均衡发展问题会随着教育改革和社会经济发展而逐渐得到解决。不过,消除教育结果层面的不均衡,特别是不同社会阶层的学生在教育结果方面的不均衡将是教育均衡发展政策所面临的一项长期而艰巨的任务,因为消除不同社会阶层在教育结果方面的不均衡实质上就意味着消除社会阶层本身的存在。 In terms of educational starting points, Germany has made substantial progress after efforts over the past half century. However, as for the educational outcome, there are still imbalance among different regions, school types and especially among social classes and ethnic groups. In other words, Germany is now facing the dilemma of imbalanced educational outcome. The experience of Germany's development shows that problems of the balanced development in educational starting points could be gradually solved with socio-economic development and educational reform, but as for educational outcomes, to obtain such balance (especially among social classes) could be a long-term and arduous task, because eliminating the imbalance in educational outcomes among social classes virtually implies the elimination of social classes itself.
作者 孙进
出处 《复旦教育论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期81-86,共6页 Fudan Education Forum
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"以公平性标准和差异性标准促均衡发展:义务教育均衡发展政策比较研究"(项目批准号:10JJD880001)
关键词 教育均衡发展 教育公平 教育改革 德国教育体制 Balanced Development of Education Educational Equity Educational Reform German Education System
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