
从中西比较看中国园林艺术的审美特点及生态美学价值 被引量:8

The Essential Aesthetic Characteristics and Ecological Aesthetic Value in Chinese Landscape Art from the Comparison between Chinese and Western Culture
摘要 西方园林艺术以强调人工美为基本特点,整体上呈现为人为状态的建筑风景园林;中国园林艺术则以崇尚自然美为基本特点,整体上呈现为天然状态的自然山水园林。从审美上看,西方园林艺术的本质特点是人工美与形式美的结合;而中国园林艺术的本质特点和精髓在于自然美与意境美的统一。中西园林艺术的差异源于两种文化对人与自然关系的不同理解和思维方式的区别。中国园林艺术表现出的人与自然和谐统一、相互交融的生态美学思想,体现了人与自然的生态审美关系,是人类生态文明发展极其宝贵的思想资源。 The Western landscape art is basically featured by emphasizing the artificial beauty, with the man - made presence of architectural landscape as a whole. And the Chinese landscape art is generally featured by advocating the natural beauty, with the uncultured state of the natural landscape. From the aesthetic point of view, the essential characteristics of Western landscape art is the combination of artificial 'beauty and form beauty while that of Chinese landscape art is the unity of the natural beauty and beauty of poetic imagery. The above mentioned differences stem from different understanding of the relationship between mankind and the nature and also the way of thinking in these two cultures. Featured the unity, harmony and mixture between mankind and the nature, the ecological aesthetics in the Chinese landscape art, is very valuable thinking resources in the progress of human ecological civilization.
作者 彭立勋
出处 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期74-79,共6页 Hundred Schools In Arts
关键词 园林艺术 人工美与自然美 形式美与意境美 生态美学 Landscape art Artificial beauty and natural beauty Beauty of form and beauty of poetic imagery Eco-logical aesthetics
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