Taylor and Toolan (1984) made the distinction between formalist stylistics and functional stylistics based on the opposition between formalist and functionalist approaches in linguistic studies, chiefly represented by Chomskys TG grammar and Hallidays functional grammar. Such opposition has been widely accepted in stylistics. However, since pure linguistic analysis is different from stylistic analysis that relates analysis and interpretation, linguistic forms and literary significance, it does not follow that the opposition in linguistic practices is the opposition in stylistic practices. Based on the features of generative approach in literary stylistic analysis in terms of its emphasis on linguistic competence and its consideration of both the surface and deep structures, this paper deals with some theoretical issues and analyzes the functional features of generative stylistics. It concludes that stylistics is an interdisciplinary subject developing with both linguistic and literary theories and that generative grammar, although formalist in nature, provides functional apparatus for contextual stylistic studies of literary texts.
Foreign Languages and Their Teaching