
基于自律分散系统的通信中间件研究与实现 被引量:2

Research and Implement of Communication Middleware Based on Autonomous Decentralized System
摘要 介绍了自律分散中间件的逻辑抽象结构和概念,提出了具有高可靠性和容错性的自律分散中间件物理结构,并详细讨论了中间件采用的各项关键技术:为构建基于数据驱动的应用系统设计技术,提出了可支持多种通讯方式的归一化句柄编程模型和基于通信句柄的信息映射机制;为实现自律分散网络的在线扩展和在线维护特性,提出了广义混合队列模型;为实现自律分散网络的在线容错特性,提出了三阶段生存信号确认算法和基于发布定购模型的可靠组播通信算法。通过构建10个节点的分散系统,验证了自律分散网络的系统特性。 The logical abstract structure and concept of autonomous decentralized system (ADS) middleware are introduced. A physical structure of ADS middleware with high reliability and fault-tolerant capacity is presented and the related key technologies are discussed in detail. In order to construct data-driven application system design technology, the normalized handle programming model supporting several kinds of communication methods and information mapping mechanism are proposed. For the implementation of online expansion and online maintenance, generalized mixed-queue model are provided. The three-stage survival signal confirmation algorithm and reliable multicast communication algorithm based on the publish/subscribe model are put forward for the realization of online fault-tolerant capacity. Though the construction of 10 nodes ADS, the characteristics of ADS were verified.
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期764-769,共6页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(ZYGX2009J089)
关键词 生存信号 自律分散系统 发布定购 中间件 architecture autonomous decentralized system (ADS) live signal publish/subscribe middleware
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