本文报告了120例硬膜外腔造影的X 线表现及75例手术所见。通过综合分析研究,发现造影像可分为Ⅴ型,正位像:单侧神经根缺损型(Ⅰ型)、硬膜凹陷型(Ⅱ型)、不完全梗阻型(Ⅲ型)、完全梗阻型(Ⅳ型)、双侧神经根缺损型(Ⅴ型);侧位像:前缘缺损型(Ⅰ型)、后缘缺损型(Ⅱ型)、不完全梗阻型(Ⅲ型)、完全梗阻型(Ⅳ型)、竹节样变型(Ⅴ型)。并且与椎管内病变和椎间盘突出的部位、病理阶段有着密切的关系。在我国CT Scan 尚未普及和水溶性脊髓造影剂价格昂贵、购入困难的今天,不仅可以作为椎管内病变特别是椎间盘突出症的辅助诊断方法,而且可以作为决定手术适应症和手术方法的常用检查方法。
The article reported the manifest-ations in peridurographies of 120cases and what had been seen duri-ng the operations of 75 cases.Byanalysis,the radiological manifes-tations in peridurography weredivided into V types,each of th-em was closely related to the spinediseases and the part of disc hern-iation.a)type Ⅰ—disc bulgingb)type Ⅱ—yellow ligament hyperplasiac)type Ⅲ—disc protrusiond)type Ⅳ—disc prolapsee)tpye Ⅴ—spinal conal stenosisCT scan has ont been widely usedin our country,and contrast-med-ium costs high and is difficult tobuy,so we believe that peridurography will not only be usedas theadditinal diagnosisc,but also thedependent faction to choose the oprating method and the indicationsbecause it works without pain anddoes not cause so much extensionhurt.when peridurography beingoprated,please be carefal,Touhy'sneedle should not pierce the duramater,be sure that the contrast-medium is fulling the epiduralspace unden the control of X—raysso as not bring about complicationsand false shadow.