用热解 -质谱对三种不同煤阶的煤和铁矿石的反应行为进行了考察。通过对失重曲线和气体组分逸出曲线的分析发现 ,煤与铁矿石的氧化还原反应温度区域随煤阶的增加而逐渐向高温区移动 ,在低阶煤的情况下可区分为两个明显的反应阶段 ,反应的主要产物为CO ,其次为CO2 。煤阶的不同导致与铁矿石的反应性的不同 ,随着煤阶的增加 ,煤中高活性的碳结构逐渐减少 ,使相应的CO的生成量减少 ,但CO2 的生成量增加。
WT4”BZ]By using TG-MS the reaction behavior of three coal-ore systems was investigated From the obtained weight loss curves and gas evolution curves it can be found that in the temperature range of 400~500℃ there is a weight loss process related to the pyrolysis of coal, and that in the temperatures higher than 1000℃ redox reaction occurs between coal and iron ore The main gaseous products formed during pyrolysis are CH 4 and H 2O As coal rank gets higher, the temperautes at which redox reaction occurs between coal and ore shift toward higher temperatures with the formation of large amount of CO and relatively small amount of CO 2 For lower rank coal the amount of CO and CO 2 formed in redox reaction is less than other coals because of the significant weight loss during pyrolysis, which results in the decrease in the amount of carbon used to react with iorn ore The redox reaction between coal and ore can be distinguished into two stages for lower rank coals On the other hand, as coal rank increases, the first stage gets weaker, and finally only one redox stage can be observed for higher rank coal It can be concluded that the difference in coal rank can lead to the change in the activity of coal with iron ore With the increase in coal rank, the amount of carbon structure in coal with higher reaction activity decreases, leading to the corresponding decrease in CO evolution [WT4”HZ]
Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology
国家自然科学基金!(2 9936 0 90 )