用自由基共聚法合成了一系列 β-羟丙酯 (β-HPAT)和乙烯基吡咯烷酮 (NVP)的共聚物及其水凝胶。发现共聚物的水溶液有敏锐的温敏行为 ,最低汇溶温度 (LCST)随 NVP含量的增加而升高 ,随着反应单体总浓度的增加 ,相变敏锐性下降且 LCST也随之下降。通过考察水凝胶的溶胀率 (SR) ,发现共聚凝胶在适当的单体浓度、交联剂浓度和较宽的单体浓度配比范围内 。
Random copolymer of β-HPAT and poly(β-HPAT-co-NVP) was prepared with radical copolymerization.The hydrogel of β-HPAT/NVP obtained by changing the initial β-HPAT/NVP mol ratio,Total monomer,and cross linker concentration have different thermoresponsive properties. The copolymer with wide range of β-HPAT/NVP mol ratio have senstively thermoresponsive character. The result shows that cross linker concentration has greater effect on the swelling ratio(SR),the total monomer concentration has greater effect on the sensitivity of thermoresponsity,and the LCST of copolymer were decided by the β-HPAT/NVP mol ratio.
Chinese Journal of Colloid & Polymer