1[7]Abraham J. Yu, The Future of Authority Control for CJK Name Headingshttp: //www. library. ln. edu. hk/symposium/docs/abstracts/gb/agyu2. htm
2[8]http: //www. loc. gov/marc/authority/ecadintr. html
1About Library of Congress Authorities [EB/OL]. http://authorities. loc. gov/help/contents.htm, 2005 -01-25.
2Frequently asked questions about joining the NACO program [EB/OL]. http: // www. loc. gov/catdir/pce/nacoprogfaq.html, 2005- 01 - 25.
3John D Byrum. NACO: a cooperative model for building and maintaining a shared name authority database [EB/OL]. http://www.sba. unifi.it/ac/relazioni/byrum eng. pdf, 2005-01- 15.