
不同来源肠炎沙门菌的溯源研究 被引量:5

Trace research on Salmonella enteritidis from different sources
摘要 目的:应用脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)技术对不同来源的肠炎沙门菌进行分子分型,为政府部门修订相关的卫生法规提供了重要科学依据。方法:采用限制性内切酶Xba I,对广州地区2009-2011年间从业人员健康体检和食物中毒中检出的36株肠炎沙门菌进行PFGE分子分型,用BioNumerics Version 4.0软件(复选Dice相关系数和UPGMA方法)进行聚类分析。结果:36株肠炎沙门菌PFGE图谱显示菌株之间密切相关,相似度在88.8%~100%。结论:从业人员健康体检和食物中毒分离的肠炎沙门菌菌株之间存在较高分子水平的同源性,提示健康带菌从业人员是沙门菌食物中毒不可忽视的污染源。 Objective:To apply pulse-field gel electrophoresis analysis(PFGE) in the analysis Salmonella enteriditis from different soures.The results will be scientifically contributed for revising of hygiene legislation and criteria in China.Methods: PFGE with restriction enzyme Xba I was employed in the molecular subtyping of 36 strains of S.enteritidis isolated from 3 cases of food poisoning and employees engaged in food /public place in Guangzhou city and PFGE patterns were analyzed by BioNumerics Version 4.0 software to perform cluster analysis.Pattern profiles were compared by utilizing the Dice coefficient and UPGMA(unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages).Results: The relation was close among 36 strains in type of pulsotype and the similarity coefficient of 36 strains were between 88.8% and 100%.Conclusion: High homology at molecular level was found between Salmonella enteritidis strains isolated from food poisoning and employees,which indicated that healthy employees carrying S.enteritidis engaged in food /public place are pollution source of food poisoning.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 北大核心 2012年第9期2081-2083,2087,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
关键词 肠炎沙门菌 脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE) 食物中毒 从业人员体检 Salmonella enteritidis Pulse-field gel electrophoresis analysis(PFGE) Food poisoning Health examination of employees
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