在各类晶片中,尤以衬底抛光片的干燥最为困难,容易出现颗粒和水痕等缺陷。以设备为依托的干燥技术发展迅速,离心甩干技术,IPA Vapor干燥,Marangoni干燥和HF/O3干燥是其中较为成功的。
Along with the increasing demand of semiconductor device technology on the chip quality,the focus of cleaning process had changed to be drying technology.The drying of bare plolished wafer was the most difficult,with the higher proportion of particle and watermark.Drying technology is dependent on the device.The Spin-Rinse-Dryer,IPA Vapor Dry,Marangoni dry and 和 HF/O3 dry were successful technology.
Equipment for Electronic Products Manufacturing